How to start a new YouTube account

To sign in to YouTube, you must have a Google Account. A Google Account works for all Google products (for example, Gmail, Blogger, Map, YouTube, and others).

If you have signed in to any of these products before, you already have a Google Account. To sign in, enter the email address you entered into those products (if you use Gmail, it will be your Gmail username). If you do not have a Google Account, you can create an account.

Some important things to remember about Google accounts and YouTube:

Sign in to YouTube with your Google Account. To sign in to YouTube, enter your Google Account email address and password. After signing up for YouTube, if you sign in to your Google account on another Google service, you’ll be automatically signed in whenever you visit YouTube.

Deleting a Google account will erase your YouTube data, including all your videos, comments, and subscriptions. Before deleting a Google Account, you will need to confirm that it will permanently erase your data from all Google services, including YouTube.

When you sign in to YouTube with your Google Account, you can take advantage of YouTube’s many features:

May like video

Can save favorites

Can subscribe to the channel

Can see later

Watch history

Can flag the video

YouTube can also recommend videos according to your liked and watched videos and your subscriptions.

You have no public identity on YouTube until you create a channel. Your activity is completely private. If you like uploading your own videos, commenting on videos, or video lists, you can create a YouTube channel at any time.

YouTube is not only the best source of online earning, but it has also given a platform for people to showcase their talent. There are many people, who earn millions of rupees every month through YouTube. Some have made it their full-time career. If you also want to show your talent on YouTube and earn money, then we are telling you how you can open a YouTube channel and what should be the preparation before opening the channel.

This is how to create your YouTube channel

Your social media profile can be included on the YouTube channel. Its advantage is that whenever someone visits your channel, they will also get your Facebook and Twitter accounts there. This can help to create a reliable channel. If you do not have a YouTube channel, go to channel and create your account.

 Do research first

You have already thought that if you want to create a YouTube channel, then first decide which topic will be on the channel. If you create a YouTube channel like this, then you will get zero benefits. So first choose your topic, then do complete research and start your channel with planning.

Learn how the video will be a hit

First of all avoid uploading copyrighted content to YouTube.

  • The content of your video should be original and its video quality should be good, only then someone will like to watch the video of your channel.
  • Use simple words to name your video.
  • Choose content only after following government rules and laws. Do not choose content that causes the government or YouTube to shut down your channel.
  • Also, avoid serving pornography in videos, otherwise, your account can be blocked.
  • Key-words selection plays the most important role in hits and flops on your channel’s videos. So try to make good content according to the keywords that are going on.
  • Before making the video, do some research and choose the topics that have not been worked on.

Create a private channel

Follow the instructions below and create a channel that you can manage only using a Google account.

Sign in to YouTube using a computer or mobile site.

Do essential tasks for the channel, such as uploading videos, commenting, or creating a video list.

If you do not currently have a channel, you will see a prompt to create a channel.

See that the information provided to create the channel is correct (along with your Google account name and photo) and confirm to create your new channel.

Creating a channel by a commercial or alias

Follow these instructions to create a channel that can have more than one manager or owner.

You can use a brand account to create a channel that has a different name but is still managed from your Google account. Sign in to YouTube using a computer or mobile site.

Go to your channel list

Choose to create a new channel or use an existing brand account:
Create a new channel by clicking Create New Channel.

By choosing a brand account from the list, create a YouTube channel for the brand account you’ve been managing already. If this brand account already has a channel, you cannot create a new channel — if you choose a brand account from the list, you can only switch to that channel.

Fill in the information to name your channel and confirm your account. Then, click done. This creates a new brand account. To add a channel manager, follow the instructions to change channel owners and managers.

By Manish

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