Wedding decorations at home

Today, wedding decorations at home are also becoming a creative work. But even in the modern era, we like to do some pre-wedding rituals at home. Rituals like Puja, Kirtan, Mehndi, Haladi are always fun and are even more joyful when celebrated at home with family members. As the wedding day gets closer, wedding decorations at home become a responsibility, so you should gear yourself up to make the house beautiful and especially a ‘wedding house’. Ways to make a home look beautiful are not too difficult, let us know:

Is there an old swing?

If there is a swing in the garden or balcony of the house, then arrange to bring it to the place where all the functions of the house are to be held. Now, whatever the swing is, decorate it with flowers. Remember that if the seesaw is spoiled in appearance, then it can be improved by wrapping old saris or a scarf in it. Flowers can also be decorated after this. All you have to do is wrap long flower garlands everywhere in the swing. After this, the lights can also be wrapped in it. Now make the bride or groom sit on this swing and perform functions like turmeric, mehndi or music. By the way, if there is no big swing in the house, then put a sawn swing with ropes anywhere in the house. Its decoration will have to be done with flowers likewise. This swing is enough to add a photo-op to the bride-groom.

Thrush fake, real bearing

You must have seen fake birds selling in the market many times. Buy a lot of such birds. Place these sparrows on the dining table, such as between two plates or between two bowls of food. Apart from this, fake sparrows can also be kept on small plants present there. Apart from this, they can also be used around flowers and light decorations.

Photowall will look amazing

You must have a photo of the bride or groom. Then collect most beautiful photos from these. Now decorate them in the frame with a splendid one and come to the venue. Now here you have to choose the wall which is completely visible. No furniture should be kept side by side. Just by putting lights on the wall from side to side, work will be done, there will be no need to plant flowers etc. It is certain that guests will definitely come to this corner of the house to see and photograph the wall.

Flower ball too

Flowers like marigold will be used in it. It will be easy to make balls with some heavy flowers. A ball of flowers will be formed by making rounds of flowers. You have to make a lot of balls of the same size. Do not place them anywhere in such a special place, such as where the bride-groom is about to sit or at the entrance of the house in such a way that it definitely comes in the eyes of the people coming.

Flower garland will work

Decorating with a garland of flowers is a very simple idea, such as putting a string of flowers lengthwise on the door. However, it can also be used differently. For example, first make a string by making several ‘U’ and then put the second thread in such a way that its ‘U’ comes between the two ‘U’ of the first one. In the same way, wrap two threads of flowers in a jigzag shape on the wall. If you want, instead of curtains, many flowers can also be planted. Beautiful words like Happy Married Life, God Bless You, We Love You, Hamari Ladli, Love Story can also be written from flowers. You will definitely see their effect in the happiness of the environment.

Outside the main door

For this, you will need only two things, the first net curtain and the second one is fought with long heavy flowers. If you do not find a flower-studded thread, you can also apply a rose or marigold flower. This will give the door a very photogenic look and the guests coming to the house will take this selfie.

Lighting decoration

If you want to give a more fine touch to this lighting decoration, then in this way hang the light on the trees, garden area, doors and roof according to the map of your house. If you want, you can apply it only on walls and doors but it will also look more beautiful at night.


No flowers or any Rangoli outside the house just put colorful curtains in this way. This will change the look of the door of the house. If you put the curtains in pink or red color, then even more wedding look will give.

Instead of putting curtains on the walls, you can also decorate them on the stairs in this way. For this, take colorful curtains. Artificial garlands can also be wrapped if you want to make the look better.

By Manish

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